6 bay NAS for Plex server

I’d like to buy a 6 slot NAS for a PLEX server.
Which one of these are the newer one and of which year are they?
TVS-h674T and TVS-672XT
Which would be best for PLEX and why?

What is your budget?
How many simultaneous users ?
Are you planning to use the iGPU or a dedicated GPU?

For a local NAS without any mayor transcoding needs even a small Celeron NAS would be just fine, Plex will release a new version soon with x265 transcoding support, so you can transcode HDR even without tonemapping. (preview build works great for me)

The budget is not relevant.
I need about 70TB of store for the future.
At the moment I have 4 users who can use simultaneously, perhaps more in the future.
iGPU would be the easiest way if it would fulfill the need. How can I place a dedicated GPU inside the NAS? Is there enough space? When yes which one? And is it for shure the dedicated one will be supported by PLEX?
I’d like a 10 Gbit Ethernet connection is ther enough space for both the GPU and the additional Ethernet card?

The TVS-h674T has tripple the CPU performance (i5 versions compared), with a generation higher iGPU (UHD P730 vs P630) so the TVS-h674T is certainly the better Plex server.

No need for a dedicated GPU or network card here (the builtin 2.5GbE is plenty of speed here)

With 70TB (and RAID5 or RAIDz as storage) you would need 16TB drives minimum, maybe a NAS with more bays would be a better idea, if budget is of no concern as stated

Why a TVS-h674T instead of a TVS-h674 ?

Your initial choice were two TB models…if you don’t need TB, get it without TB

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Is it true that when in future i’d like to put more than 6 disks ; i buy an expansion for the additional disks, but these additional disks can’t go into the RAID 5 or 6 of the TVS-h674?

Not sure why you posted that here and in a new topic

I’m new in this community and i forgot that i was speaking to you. And when i saw it again i remembered that you were an expert and so i asked you here. Thanks for your valuable answers.
I saw this on the QNAP platform: The TL-D400S can only be used as an individual storage pool or volume on the NAS. Its storage pool or volume cannot be combined into the connected NAS. NAS applications cannot be installed on the TL-D400S.
Sorry for the new topic.