Backing up existing material we have in the company on a NAS device

I need your advice on backing up our archive at the company. We have a folder called Archive that is managed on a NAS1FD90F device. My problem is that if the device is damaged or burned, I will not have a backup of the entire folder that is the heart of our office… Can you recommend the best way to back up the material on a NAS1FD90F?

Please check the actual NAS model, the random device name does not help

If it isn’t already, turn the unit off to avoid any further use / damage to the drive and data.

If this is as critical as you make it sounds, you may want to pay a data recovery specialist to look into for you.

Hopefully, the actual NAS involved has some sort of basic redundancy so maybe some of the data can actually be recovered. Also hopefully, the company will learn from this and perhaps invest in a proper backup and recovery strategy moving forward.

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There are plenty of options you can consider:

  1. If the size of the folder can be backup to an external storage, such as SSD;
  2. Depending on the model of your NAS, if the NAS has minimum 2 bays, you can implement a RAID 1 level configuration to avoid the faulty on one of the disks (note it is not a backup but maintain high system availability);
  3. Keep the data off site via Cloud services such as MyQNAPCloud or OneDrive, etc.

Hope these help.

I observed it is an IF statement from the post. Hope the disaster has not happened yet :thinking:

On all QNAP NAS you can download a free application called HBS - Hybrid Backup Sync.

And it provides several ways to backup the “Archive” to another place, such as another NAS in different office, or cloud storage.

The only concern will be how big the files will be, it will be used to estimate how much will it cost when store the backup file on cloud storage.