Feature Request Keyboard Shortcut for Quick Photo Rating in Qumagie

I would like to request the addition of a keyboard shortcut feature in Qumagie that allows users to quickly change the rating of a photo they are currently viewing. This feature would enable users to rate photos efficiently without needing to use the mouse or navigate through menus.

Proposed Functionality:

  • When viewing a photo, users can press a number key (1-5) on their keyboard to instantly rate the photo with the corresponding number of stars.
    • For example, pressing the “5” key would rate the photo with 5 stars, pressing the “3” key would rate it with 3 stars, and so on.
  • This feature should be intuitive and responsive, providing immediate visual feedback to confirm the rating change.


  • Enhances user experience by streamlining the photo rating process.
  • Saves time and effort, especially when rating multiple photos in succession.
  • Reduces reliance on mouse navigation, making the application more accessible and user-friendly.

Please raise this as a ticket as the request can then be monitored. ask it to be considered by the QuMagie dev team.