High RAM Usage at QuTS

When I was transferring files to my brand-new Qnap, I encountered an issue about RAM usage and I couldn’t access neither web interface nor shared folders. after a forced reboot I was able to access to my device.
1- What may cause this high ram usage? my only active application was antivirus.
2 - Is it possible to allocate RAM for samba, so that SMB service or management services will not be affected from high RAM usage.

Model: Ts-h1277xau-rp 32GB
OS: QUTS hero h5.2.3.3006

  1. you need to ssh into the NAs and run the command “top” it should be able to monitor in realtime what is eating all your memory.

  2. not that I know off no. you need to ID the culprit of the memory usage first of all.
    you could trying installing the QPKG package QBoost. i’ve not used it that much but its states:

Qboost enhances your NAS performance. With just a click of a button, you can release cache and swap memory through its Optimize function, or clean up junk files and recycle storage space using the Clear function. Through Application Scheduling, Qboost also lets you automatically enable and disable apps on a schedule so you can allocate system resources more efficiently.

it might be worth a shot. Also worth rebooting your NAS if it hasn’t been rebooted for some time.

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By the way, I have set max ARC usage to %40 (initially it was %65) ,
Now RAM usage is roughly at %54 levels. and also installed qboost and see what happens.

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