I have two storage pools, one M2 PCIe SSD (2 TB RAID 1) and the other SATA SSD (4 TB RAID 1). I want to create an ordinary folder on the second SATA SSD pool (slower access is fine). I do not want to create a share folder.
How can I do this and stop the NAS defaulting to my M2 SSDs?
In file station you can create folder on the nas. You cannot select on which storage pool they are on so far as I can tell. I understand that they just get created on the first storage pool.
You can choose which storage pool if you go through storage and create a shared folder.
I have never created shares via FileStation (imho the wrong spot for it) but apparently if you create shares here, it will default to the system pool in QuTS, …that was OPs question/problem I think
Thankyou both.
Yes I can work around this by creating the folder through Storage, and will chevk out what can be find with properties. Just quite clunky when I just want to set up a non-shared folder on a Storage pool of my choice