I'm looking for some old firmware

Hi all,
I’ve dug out of the garage two old TS412 NAS boxes. They seem to work, but the hard drives in them have failed. Q-finder sees them and I’d like to get them up and running, but they want new firmware installed. They currently tell me they have 4.0.5 (20131126). I’ve tried putting newer firmware on, but it fails. I’m guessing that it needs the older stuff first, and progressively update. However I can’t find any old firmware anywhere. These aren’t going to connect to the internet, they’ll just be on the local network as a short term temporary backup solution. Can anyone help?


To what stage did you make it? Did you install the DOM supplied firmware ?

I have managed to install 4.3.3 on one of them using q-finder, and I’m able to get that running, though that’s the latest firmware this hardware will run. The other one, just keeps failing at the moment. I’ll buy some different drives and see if that makes any difference.

See if you can reformat the old drives on a computer. Run diagnostics on them with the computer if they won’t format/

Thanks. I just think that they are just old and have too many issues. I’m going to replace them anyway. I just wanted make sure that the TS412s work first.

4.3.3 is the last firmware this 15 year old NAS will ever get, not sure where you get newer versions from

I have newer NASes for daily use, I just like keeping antiquated technolgogy up and running.

That’s fine, so do I.
But as you have already installed the latest and last available firmware, my question still stands what ‘newer’ firmware you are trying to install (as it does not exist)

Thanks. I’m not after newer firmware. I’m after older firmware.
For some reason on this one 412, upgrading to 4.3.3 keeps failing. The second 412 I have, upgraded fine and is working ok. However, this one, which is identical keeps failing, either when I download 4.3.3 manually and try, or when I let q-finder do it. I’m looking for 4.0.5 which is what I have on there already, to see if I can kick it into life and then get it to 4.3.3 from there.

Try upgrading via ssh. At least you’ll get some indication on why it’s failing that way.


Hmmm. I think I’ve found the issue. I can’t ssh into the box. it says it’s unable to negotiate and there’s no matching host key found. Their offer: ssh-rsa.
Though I don’t ever remember setting up an encryption key on this box.

btw 4.2.5 is the lowest firmware version the Russian QNAP website offers

As a Ukrainian, I’m not going to be downloading old firmware from a Russian site.

Understandable, but they always kept older versions than the other QNAP sites