Migrate Container Station data


my NAS does not spin down the HDs when idle, I believe this is because Container Station and/or some container more or less continously accesses the volume. As a remedy, since I have some spare empty bays, I am considering installing an SSD as another storage volume, and migrating the Container Station data to the SSD volume.

What is the best way to migrate? I do not want to experiment a lot, as I would like to keep the container downtime short, that’s why I’m asking.

Container Station uses the “Containers” directory on the main volume. I am thinking of stopping the Container Station app, and then (after a backup) move the directory to the SSD volume on the ssh command line. When I re-start the app, it won’t find it’s data anymore, would it allow me to point it to the new location? Or would it be better not to move to the SSD, but hide the directory somewhere, and let Container Station create a new directory on the SSD, into which I move the contents of the old directory? Or should I go to the extreme of re-installing the Container Station app?

Thanks for any suggestion.


Crosspost with here
(replied there also)