myqnapcloud smartshare not working

Hi, I’m trying to share a file using Smart Share, but once the link is created, I try to use it, and the page gets stuck loading without anything happening, as shown in the attached image.

Dettails about my nas: TS-451 (20241025)

Could it be something reated to some security configurations?

Is that cloud link (slow) or DDNS (dangerous) ?

Same issue on reddit (or same user?)

No, I’m not that user on reddit.

I’m not shure what do you mean.


What kind of smartshare is this ? Port forwarded exposure of your NAS is VERY dangerous. Please check with an expert if you do not know what port forwards on your router mean (including upnp)

That is a service of myqnapcloud, I’m not doing any port forwarding and of course I’m not going to. I tought it was working without port forwarding

only when you enable UPnP, which for all purposes, is like commiting suicide.