NAS QNAP TS-251+ motherboard is faulty.

My NAS QNAP TS-251+ had motherboard faulty. I have already checked with QNAP support and they offered me the repair but it is not convenient.
There are two options:
Buy another Qnap NAS or try to extract data from raid 0 disks (they are WD Red nasware 3.0 tb WD30EFRX)
Buying another NAS even checking compatibility via the QNAP website, I’m afraid that they won’t be read to me.
Data extraction is however risky because everything needs to be managed using Linus commands with a Live Linus distribution and I am not familiar with it and am only familiar with Windows work.
What do you recommend?

then buy another NAS thats compatible with an upgrade migration

then once your good to go, RMA your 251+ back to QNAP and then you’ll ahev a second working NAS once it comes back.

Or just fix your old NAS yourself with a 100 Ohms resistor

Is much expensive this solution

I see by YuoTube this solution but I’m not sure to resolve the problem

No idea what youtube video you watched, but there should be many many examples in the linked topic and also on youtube.

If this exceeds your skills talk to a local electrician, IT student, repair shop, etc