QuMagie install folder.

I was just looking at the folder structure of QuMagie on my NAS (QTS Hero) and it appears each upgrade has not removed the older install.


As you see there are multiple folders of different install folders. QuMagie works fine, but thought it somewhat strange that each install did not remove the older one before it.

Can anyone else confirm this findings?

I’ve removed all folders except for the /share/ZFS530_DATA/.qpkg/qumagie/v2.4.0 (latest) and QuMagie still works. it would appear then older folders were previous installs of QuMagie, which have never uninstalled.

I am guessing the process of installation doesnt uninstall older versions. I just need someone to confirm this in their NAS whether it be QTS or QuTS.

I have asked the QuMagie team and they said this will happen on QTS and QuTS hero, it will be fixed in the later version.
Thank you for informing this.


Hi Haru

Thanks for the reply

So I updated QuMague to 2.5.0 but still the update to 2.5.0 does not delete the old install.

when is this going to be done?

Also QuMagie 2.5.0 install decided to ignore my content source folder I had selected which was Multimedia/photo/ (in 2.4.0) and select Multimedia/ folder on its own to add more content than I wanted.

Same here

TS-453E on QuTS h5.2.2

Hi all, I asked the QuMagie team and they said that this scheduled fix is ​​in version 2.5.1, the expected release time is 1/E ~ 2/B.

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