hello, I have 3 TS-264 during the initial configuration (without HD inserted) does not give the possibility to make the switch to the OS QuTS Hero.
i tried both with fw and fw
I have also done the reset several times but nothing.
Do you have solutions ?
So you used the QuTS hero version here: TS-264 - Download Center | QNAP (UK)
and when you uploaded the QuTS firmware(NOT QTS Firmware) it done what exactly? turned it into a QTS Firmware?
there is a video on how to setup QuTS have you followed this?
Thank you for your reply.
the TS-264 nas has QTS on board by default.
In theory you have to do the OS change as seen in the video, but in reality the option to choose QuTS Hero does not appear.
so the NAS came with QTS ? that seems strange since it was only release about 2 weeks ago. hard to believe a production NAS has that version of firmware so early.
Anyhow, moving back to your screenshot. If you select “Choose another Firmware”
does it give you and option to upload the QuTS firmware?
so you cant download the file I provided
unzip it. then upload it to that web page?
have you even tried uploading it via Qfinder?
I suggest you raise a ticket with QNAP support. Taiwanese Lunar New Year is now upon us so you may wait a few days/week before they reply to you.
no it won’t let you load a Hero fw on a QTS OS I don’t have the screen but I assure you the error message is what I wrote you.
I opened the ticket yesterday but they have to apss the ticket to the engineers
just a note, you will need the hdd installed to do this as the firmware gets installed partly on the drives, and you said you had tried “(without HD inserted)”.
the disk is not inserted in doing the OS switch procedure as Indicated by Qnap
With the disk inserted you cannot in any way apply the Hero fw because the OS natively mounted is QTS
then remove the partitions that are on the disks, they need to me totally clean of any partition/data.
Has anyone confirmed this NAS model supports QuTS?
hello if you go to dwlla QNAP website it is well highlighted , I will put the translation for you:
The TS-264 uses the QTS operating system by default. It is also possible to switch to using the QuTS hero operating system. QuTS hero offers benefits such as ZFS data integrity and WORM technology to prevent data tampering. (Switching to QuTS hero is supported as of QTS 5.2.1).
the disk was new and was initiallized by nas.
the case was moved to engineers but support replied to me that they have holidays during this period and they will delay in replying. doesn’t know from what state they give support
The TS-264 uses the QTS operating system by default. You will be able to switch to using the QuTS hero operating system. QuTS hero provides benefits such as ZFS data integrity and WORM technology to prevent data tampering. (Switching to QuTS hero is supported starting from QTS 5.2.1.)
The fact the user has initialised the Drives means QTS has now managed to get on the disks. I’m not sure if the standard DOM carries some form of boot loader for both QTS/QuTS when the NAS is built at factory but it looks like he will need to manually force QuTS on the drives now.
I would suspect if the drives are wiped (all partitions removed) then QuTS could be on manually installed via QFinder or the webGUI.
[quote=“Toxic, post:15, topic:547”]I’ll explain I’ve tried every way.
1 as indicated by manual the disk should not be inserted and configuration should be done starting from Qfinder but not from possibility of OS switch. This is the unique procedure indicated by Qnap to change the OS
2 I also tried starting with the disk inserted from Qfinder but nothing it does not give the OS switch
I was merely replying to OneCD’s post so you dont need to explain anything.
you have a ticket raised, so QNAP will sort it for you. good luck.
Thanks Toxic I was hoping someone had addressed and solved the problem. As soon as I have the solution ( I hope ) I will share it here so it can be of help to all
yep. they maybe sometime in getting to you. I think most Asian countries take about a weeks holiday over the Lunar Year festivities. hang in there.