TS-451A port trunking not holding/saving

I am trying to trunk the two 1Gb LAN ports on an unmanaged switch just to balance/failover. I go through the three step wizard and on returning to the screen after hitting next or apply the ports are not trunked. Any ideas?


Hi there & welcome to the new forums

I take it you have followed a guide like the one below?

Thanks Yes, not aiming for LACP as not supported on the un managed switch. Not an issue on another NAS. I will double check the guidelines.


Ok no worries. I have only used LACP really, I think I had dabbled with Balanced-tlb/alb in the past, which did work without too much hassle tbh, but I’m now using 10GbE card so I dont use the trunk protocol any longer.

sorry I cant be much help otherwise.

let us know how you get on.

try this guide:

failing this, reboot your NAS just incase some unknown service is stopping the completion of the port trunking from happening, if that doesnt work then best to contact QNAP Support


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Instead of fiddling with trunking, I would use SMB Multichannel for fail over speedup (no special switch needed here)


Thankyou. I cannot use SMB multichannel here as currently the 451A is a network resource serving multiple clients through a switch. It will be retired to backup duties only soon, but even then I would need two spare ports on the primary NAS. My primary NAS , a TVSh-674 only has two x2.5 Gb ports which it needs to talk to the LAN and WAN with. Whilst I do have a spare PCIE expansion slot, it is unusable as the 1st PCIE slot is taken up with a double width GPGPU which is maddening.


Two LAN ports one for WAN and the other for LAN? Not quite sure how that NAS is setup but that sounds wrong.

Unless you are using another protocol (NFS/AFP/etc) SMBM is doing what you want, in the normal use case home scenario (NAS is in a network with the router as your gateway and NAT device)

My understanding is that QNAP’s implementation requires symmetrical setups for SMB3. Their footnote is “ * The current version of SMB Multichannel does not support RSS, RDMA, NIC Teaming.”

So as I understand it this chokes the recipient to the slower of a single lane of the sender. This thread seemed relevant:


So in my use case My windows machines both physical and a VM send large Macrium image files to the server. Assuming the Macrium shares are SMB, then they can use this feature. Whereas I do not know if NAS to NAS transfers use SMB and would benefit.

In any case, if the receiver has only 1 nic, say 2.5Gb vs 2 x1Gb on the sending unit, then if the receiver is a QNAP NAS then there is no RSS so you get 1Gb only.

Noting than you also need multi core machines to run RSS anyway.

I think…
I assume that if SMB does not work then the default transmission is the slowest lane anyway.
