So, an introduction and praise about QNAP.
I’ve been using QNAP’s since their beginning where my field of operation is security.
Back in those days, security also ment a lot of data. And I really mean a lot.
Plus a 100% demand & reliability.
So, soon after bigger disks, we needed more (QNAP) NAS machines.
Thus we added more & more QNAP’s. Last count as of today, we have little over 35x QNAP’s in use. Where we still have the first QNAP’s purchased back then but in cold storage as they can no longer be considered to be secure. (EOL by QNAP & such).
We did not have that many issues in well over 2x decades(!) of usage.
Ranging from a DOA powersupply with a new purchase (happened once) but replaced under warranty & very speedy, 2x QNAPs’ refusing to boot and 1x powersupply failing to drive all the HD’s. As for HD’s failures, I can count them on one hand and even loose a finger or two, it hasn’t happened. QNAP’s often forewarn us that an HD is ready to be replaced. Always remembering that a NAS is not a backup-system.
I also want to honourably mention QNAP Support in our region, they are top-notch, responsive and do not mind the (occasional) “silly” question. To date, QNAP has never ever let me down. Yes, of course there are improvements to be recommended, some rough edges, inconsistencies in some areas, and the occasional bug/error, but generally I’m quite more then happy with QNAP to date. We had a choice back then, and I’m quite happy we opted for QNAP. Especially the hardware is quite good. The features are good enough for me.
So, 316x words about what I like about QNAP, since day one, starting little over 2 decades ago. Yes, it does show my age too, but when a relationship works, you should savour it.