I found that QRM+ was failed to connect the server yesterday, I removed the apps and tried to re-install again, but can’t find it on QNAP Apps Center again.
I used it with RDP to my home PC for a long time since I’ve no admin right on my office destop, any alternate way I can use to solve this problem?
As this app is gone from all but archived press releases, I guess it was discontinued
My guess is that QCenter has replaced this
Q’Center is able to manage the QNAP, but I want to manage my home Windows PC by RDP, is it work? My main purpose that QRM+ is able to use RDP/VNC for remote desktop control.
Hmm … I just use VPN and RDP client for android for that … if you want to know the status of this app, check with QNAP via ticket, but I doubt they have good news for you