Any TS-664 with Hailo-8 HM218B1C2LAE Application Examples?

I have seen this AI Accelerator in the compatibility list for TS-664; however I was not able to find any more information about this application, does anyone try this Hailo AI accelerator (26TOPS) and compared to Coral Accelerator (4 TOPS)?

Some other related discussion is here:

As I know only AI core (for QuMagie) and QVR Face/Human can utilize this module.

Personally I will consider the CPU of 664 is not powerful enough to fully feed the Hailo module for AI detection features. But from my rough experience it can run 4-5 face recognization tasks on QVR Face. While Coral can only adds about 2-3.

While on high-level, for example i7 NAS, it may run 30 tasks for face recognization by co-working with a powerful CPU.

Imo on Celeron platform a Coral TPU might be sufficient.

Thank you for the information. This is exactly what I was looking for! I couldn’t find a comparison between these two AI accelerators anywhere else. For the TS-664, I think I’ll go with Coral, unless I decide to pay more than double for the Hailo-8.